In the previous article, I talked about tribes. The groups that we form or join, for one
purpose or another. Whether it be comfort, safety, growth, we form or join tribes that benefit ourselves, at the very least.

That sounds selfish perhaps, yet if we look at life as simply self and species preservation, it is reasonable to consider that there is a very distinct and deep need to be selfish. To a point.
While technology may one day provide everyone the ability to individually ensure the continuation of our species, even without needing a partner to do so, we still, also have a need to form at least a familial tribe, have children, protect them, and teach them, allowing them to duplicate what we have done.
That simple idea, that we do need others to grow, speaks directly to the core of what interdisciplinary convergence is all about. Has our trend to become more and more narrow in our thinking and purpose put us all at risk of our own extinction?