moved on, and that is the way the world works. And as we all know, sometimes work can get in the way of life and larger purposes.
That brings to mind how communities operate. Like life, there are never any 1 to 1 relationships that are exclusive and persistent. The Universe is anarchistic and while there are certainly guidelines it appears to follow, there's always those new revelations of out-lier behaviours that no one expected nor can explain.
Much of what this author has done over an extended period of time is work on projects that are believed to help people live more full, enriched lives. How that looks to any individual is up to them, and I do my best not to interfere with their own path and vision. That is not for me to define nor determine for any other person, nor is it generally possible or desirable.
There are three main projects or initiatives that I've been focused on and there are some related, smaller projects that are intended to support the primary projects. These include a quality of living technology framework called AEBL, the Open Information project which this blog supports, and a community building project called BANG (Barter And Networking Group).
I am a systems designer by nature, nurture and some schooling. The problems I try to solve are often problems only I see and that can be frustrating to everyone involved, at times. In the end, the desired result is to more finely tune an existing, functional and useful system or to disrupt a system that no longer serves a population or society. Perhaps it never was intended to.
For those following along so far, thank you for getting this far. I always appreciate anyone who takes the time to read and consider my ramblings. So in considering the three primary projects listed above and the problems they are trying to solve, I will try to break them down quickly and concisely and in as clear a way as I can muster at this time.
Many people feel the money system we have is broken. For that reason, BANG was created by a Winnipeg local barter enthusiast by the name of Troy Goldenthal. I stumbled across the group a number of years ago and decided I would squeeze my way into the group and see what could be done to help
support those who are interested in alternative means of value transactions.
And finally the Open Information project which is a long project that is being developed to help people learn, share, and grow in their personal lives as well as for community building. Everything relevant from technology and science information, theories and hypotheses, to health and wellness, to business, to food growing, prep and preservation, to governance and economies and more.
So these are the projects and one can hopefully understand how they are all related and the sub-structures that are necessary to provide a full value to
anyone who is interested in any single aspect and perhaps even anyone in general for pure curiosity.
And there is always an ask. This is it. You might wonder, "How can I get involved?" And I would like to think your interest in being involved is because you feel you might get value out of these projects or the end result that is anticipated. First, please feel free to offer feedback, opinions, and even challenges to these project. Without feedback, it is impossible to know if there is positive, forward movement. Second, I hope that people can feel interested enough in the projects that they are compelled to share with others. Without sharing, no one else can know about these project, provide their own feedback, and contribute significantly to the intended value of the end result. And finally, contribute in some form. That could be anything from helping edit documents, provide research, buy a coffee or lunch for those who contribute value to these things and to engage in any or all of these projects in a way that fits your capacity of resources.
Once again, for those who have made it to the very end of this post, I would like to thank you and offer my gratitude. This may not have made any sense to you. Perhaps you felt some consideration to read the entire post. Maybe you felt you might get something out of it and maybe you did not get anything out of it. Nevertheless, it is very much appreciated. Cheers!
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